pFuel is powerful Palm Pilot application that tracks and graphs your vehicles gas mileage.

pFuel is an enhanced version of the "FuelLog" program for the Palm that records fuel purchases and computes statistics and creates graphs related to the fuel consumption for each vehicle.You can also set alert for the maintenance of your car. pFuel works in Metric (Km/Litre) or Standard (Miles/Gallons).

Data from pFuel can also be easily exported to and imported from a memo pad record.

pFuel is available in many language:

  • pFuel.prc : English version
  • pFuel_br.prc : Brazilan Portuguese version
  • pFuel_ca.prc : Catalan version
  • pFuel_es.prc : Spanish version
  • pFuel_fr.prc : Version francaise
  • pFuel_ge.prc : German version
  • pFuel_gl.prc : Version Galega
  • pFuel_it.prc : Italian version
  • pFuel_nl.prc : Nederlandstalige versie
You just have to install the good prc file to get the version you want.

pFuel is developed by Remi Ricard in Emacs on Cygwin using GNU PRC and the following Open Source tools

  • sdk 5-r3 from PalmOne
  • m68k-palmos-gcc v 2.95.3
  • pilrc-3.0
  • Doxygen
  • gmake
  • awk
  • zip
  • Palm Emulator (POSE) and Palm Simulator

A note about the version numbering.
The version format is the following v XX.YY.ZZ

  • The XX means: Major change in the program since the XX-1 version. (The highest value is the most recent version)
  • The YY means:
    • if even: stable release version
    • if odd: development version (more bugs can show up in this version but you will have the latest features)
  • The ZZ means: the most current version you should always get and try the highest number before reporting a bug.

Downloading and installing the new version (XX.YY.(ZZ+1) should not create any problem since the new version will not change the format of the database/record. What you can get by doing that for a release version is fewer bug and maybe a program taking less ram. For a development version you can get more features and fewer or more bugs (if there is more features).

Downloading and installing the version XX.(YY+1).ZZ you should be carefull and read the README before since the format of the database/record can change and there might be a conversion tools you have to run before installing the new version.

Same thing if the go from XX.YY.ZZ to (XX+1).YY.ZZ

Last modification: by Rémi Ricard.
Web-site designed by jeremy at fantasticfamily dot net